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TY to GS Troop 1431!

Sharing a Meal would like to give a special THANK YOU to Girls Scout Troop 1431!

The local Girl Scouts have donated annually to Sharing a Meal and we are super grateful for their thoughtfulness and consideration. On cold days like today, we often take for granted having a roof over our heads, putting on warm socks and even having a box of tissues handy. These girls have showed their altruism by considering the community around us that does not always have these basics available, and we commend that.

Girl Scout Troop 1431

This season the troop has created and donated "Kindness Kits" for our guests. "Kindness Kits" include toiletries, socks and winter necessities. Sharing a Meal and our guests are super grateful for their work and donation. Thank you for thinking of us and we wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Sharing a Meal serves over 5,000 meals annually and is open to everyone Monday-Thursday at 5:30 pm, no questions asked: ALL ARE WELCOME. We are in need of cooks and volunteers 18 and over who can commit to at least once a month. For more information on how you can help, please contact us!

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