In Memory and In Honor Of...
The Wall Of Memory and Honor
is attributed to community members of which donations have been made in their name:
In Memory of Robert W. Brown
In memory of Philip Kornely
In Memory of Cynthia Langhauser
In Memory of Henry "Hank" Braun
In Honor of Ruth Smith's 100th Birthday
In Memory of Sibyl O'Reilly Mizzi
In Memory of John Rofrano
In Memory of Katherine & Helmut
In Memory of Warren Earle
In Honor of Elliott Yablon
In Memory of Leroy Schmidt
In Memory of Parents William B. and Ann Evans
In Memory of Harry Weber
In Memory of Phil Makowski
In Memory of All who suffer from Huntington's Disease
These meals are given in memory of John H. Seeba III
In Memory of Betty Joseph
In Honor of Mia Evelyn Monaco
In Memory of Donald Ketcham
In Memory of Dana Detwiler
In Memory of John Kirkman
In Memory of her husband Warren Horst
In Memory of Rose Sampson
In Memory Dominick Catera
In Memory of Dorothy Lahey Brown
In Memory of Harry